5 books that shaped me: Career gal Claire Buckley shares her must-reads

Time has come for some more #MondayMotivation. We're really enjoying making Mondays be all about inspiration as opposed to all about complaining, so much so we now look forward to this day of the week; the Sunday fear is waning. Success! In this week's take on 'the books that shaped me', we hear from Claire Buckley - founder and MD at Buck & Hound, a new and independent PR social, design and events consultancy based in Dublin. If we're going to listen to anyone's kick-ass book recommendations, it's going to be someone with as much drive and self-motivation as her. An English graduate, books have always been the cornerstone of what inspires her – here are five that have helped to shape her.

Red Sky in Morning – Paul Lynch

Full disclosure - this is written by a good friend of mine, but, from a scholarly and unbiased point of view, it is an important piece of Irish literature that should be admired and studied. Paul is a total inspiration to me with his dogged determination and incredible talent. Reading this book always makes me feel both proud and humbled.


Ulysses – James Joyce

In my second year at university, I found myself participating in a module called  ‘Discovering Ulysses’ – a daunting class! I’m proud to say that I read it through twice and, with the assistance of a wonderful lecturer, found meaning in it that shifted my own view of the world, particularly around themes of mortality and societal progression.


Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides

At age 20, this was the first book that I ever read that pushed the boundaries of gender norms and the idea of identity. The protagonist is intersexed and the novel follows him on his quest for acceptance and change. A life altering and educating piece of fiction that led me to a greater depth of understanding and empathy.



Lean in – Sheryl Sandberg

At this point, I think most women in business, and many men, have read this self-help memoir by Sandberg, COO at Facebook. While you may not agree with everything she says, the takeaways from this book around work/life balance, feminism and equality, as well as the internal struggle that career women typically face were so right on that they inspired me start my own business. I wrote her a thank you email… but I haven’t heard back yet!


Don’t sweat the small stuff (and it’s all small stuff) – Richard Carlson

This is the most well-thumbed book in my house. It’s ideal for dipping into and getting a gentle reality slap that reminds you that everything is manageable and that acceptance is key to happiness. A must read!




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