Divorces are tough enough as it is, and when they’re in the eye of the media, that makes them all the harder. That’s why when an unsolicited article appeared about her ‘Life After Heartbreak’, Jennifer Garner decided she was having none of it.
The article was published by People magazine, which incidentally was the publication Garner and Affleck approached to release a joint statement on their split.
Whatever trust Garner had with the magazine, it would seem, has evaporated. Their latest cover story appears to be an exclusive, but consists of no official quotes from the actress, instead relying on “inside sources” which “reveal” that Affleck was the “love of her life,” that she will date eventually but not yet, and that she’s focused on her children.
Still, Garner was so perturbed by its implications that she posted the following on Facebook:
It has been brought to my attention that there is a People magazine cover and article out today that appear to be coming from me. It isn’t unusual for me to receive calls from loved ones thinking I forgot to tell them I am pregnant—with twins!—(Geez Louise), but those are so ridiculous they’re easy to ignore.
This isn’t a tragedy by any measure, but it does affect me and my family and so, before my mom’s garden club lights up her phone, I wanted to set the record straight:
I did not pose for this cover. I did not participate in or authorize this article.
While we are here, for what it’s worth: I have three wonderful kids and my family is complete.
Have a beautiful day,
A classy response from the classy star.