We gave Sustainable Fashion Dublin one hour and €30 to make their best charity shop outfits.
Thinking about our own individual impact on the planet has never been more important. Whether it's trying out veganism, ditching the car or avoiding single use plastics, there are endless ways we as individuals can help the planet. Fast fashion has had a lot of attention lately due its negative impact on the climate, and the stats don't look good. Excessive greenhouse gas emissions and landfill waste go hand in hand with fast fashion - that €2 top that seems too good to be true? Well turns out the cost is coming from somewhere.
Here at Beaut we wanted to prove that shopping sustainably isn't as intimidating as it sounds (and it can actually be a lot of fun). Who else would be better to prove this than the ladies behind Sustainable Fashion Dublin? Geraldine Carton and Taz Kelleher set up SFD to encourage people away from fast fashion, and it's completely snowballed. They regularly run swap shop events, flea markets and upcycling workshops and the response to their events has been phenomenal.
A lot of people choose fast fashion options because they don't have time to visit charity shops in the hope of finding something. We wanted to prove that you can find a complete outfit in no time at all. We gave Taz and Geraldine one hour and €30 each to search Dublin's charity shops for the best outfits, and our lovely instagram followers decided the winner. Geraldine found brand new items from Topshop and Zara that fitted her perfectly, and Taz made a complete outfit from head to toe for €20.
Check out the full video below to see the incredible outfits they put together.