Perfect for (pre)Spring: Prescriptives In Bloom Cheek Colour Duo

Prescriptives In Bloom

You probably all know by now about my major crush on Prescriptives. It's genuinely one of my go-to brands for  both cosmetics and skincare, and companies like that don't come around the corner too often.

One of my current obsessions is the new season In Bloom Cheek Colour Duo. Yes, it's a splurge at €38, but there's a lot in that pan and you'll get months and months of wear out of it. Plus, like the decent skins Prescriptives are, you can buy according to your skintone - Cool and Warm options are available.  Two colours sit side-by-side and they can be swirled together on a blusher brush or used separately as you prefer.

I've got the Cool variety and am swirling and combining the silky-smooth powder to my hearts content. The result is a pink that's ideal for day wear, as it's enough to lift your look but doesn't give you those hectic, 'yes, I am running a fever' cheeks.  Great for blusher novices or for those who like a bit of subtlety.


Plus, it's stamped in the shape of a flower, the palette is adorned with colourful blooms and there's a decent-sized mirror inside - I mean, what's not to like?

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