Ask & You Shall Receive - Blitz my Blackheads

Ask & You Shall Receive - Blitz my Blackheads
By  | Mar 21, 2007

Nic needs help, as she suffers from black heads around her nose. She has very good skin, with maybe just the odd dry patch now and then but these blackheads are the bane of her life!! Can we recommend anything to help?

Yup - it seems Mario Badescu Silver Powder is the answer to your prayers Nic - we've had umteen discussions on about the pesky problem of blackheads, or congestion as we politely call them, and this stuff is getting thumbs up left, right, and centre.


We blogged about it first in a post about the annoyance of still getting spots in your 20's and 30's, and then Ava tried it out, and raved about it. You can get it from Nue Blue Eriu or HQhair.