Ask & You Shall Receive - What Primer To Get?

Ask & You Shall Receive - What Primer To Get?
By  | Mar 14, 2007

Lisa is Irish, though currently residing in Japan, and has a query for us about primer. Samples apparently aren't an option for her, as Japanese shops don't give them out. She's been thinking of getting a Laura Mercier primer or Smashbox Photo finish but then she read about the RMK makeup base and is now all a fluster. What do we think?

I think all your own ideas sound pretty damn good. We've had recommendations for lots of primers through previous posts and readers comments, and the Laura Mercier product won an InStyle Beauty Award recently too. Plus it was inducted into their hall of fame which means it topped its category 3 years running - a pretty good recommendation if you ask me.


But missis, cos you're in Japan, you can take advantage of swish brands like Shu Uemura and Shiseido (and indeed RMK) at waaay less than we pay for them here! Plus, they're fabulous brands too. I've blogged about Shiseido Smoothing Veil before, and Shu's UV Under Base SPF10 is a new iteration of their award winning foundation primer. I'd personally love to try it.