Beaut.ienomical: N.Y.C Lands in Ireland

Beaut.ienomical: N.Y.C Lands in Ireland
By  | Sep 9, 2009

Something us Beaut.ies like a lot are products that perform at weeny prices. And what's the other thing we really like? NEW products that perform at weeny prices!

Introducing New York Colour (N.Y.C) cosmetics, so: if you've cast a shaded eye and manicured finger across stands in Superdrug stores in the UK you'll have seen this budget brand. I've picked up their Stila-alike lip gloss pens before and they were excellent for the price, but I'm not too familiar with a lot of the other products. Yet.


Prices start at €2.99 and go up to €5.99, so I have a feeling I'll be able to spend a few quid. The multi-toned bronzers come highly recommended, as do their blushers.  With 35 products in the range, there's pretty much the beauty gamut here - foundation, polish, powder and pencils are all represented.

But but but - where to buy!? Stockists include the Sam McCauley's chain and selected pharmacies nationwide.