Have you ever tried body sculpting with a cream?

Have you ever tried body sculpting with a cream?
By Rebecca Todd  | Apr 20, 2018

With summer on the way, we are struggling daily to put down the pizza and crawl into the gym after work to keep our bodies in shape

For anyone who can relate to this, you will know it's a lifelong battle. Even when you get yourself into the best shape of your life, you will still have to maintain the results. It seems that if you are the type of person who puts on weight easily, there is no easy way around body sculpting.

However, there is one really easy body sculpting aid that doesn't involve depriving yourself in any way. In fact, it's a treat that helps your body to rid itself of excess fluid and smooth out cellulite. Interested?

Body refining creams and oils are something I have been using for years. I can truly see the difference they make. In particular, they work well when you are feeling bloated or you have overindulged on takeaways or alcohol. For instance, when I have over-indulged I apply this all over before going to bed and I don't wake up as swollen as I should.

The idea with these creams is that you massage them into the problem areas. A vigorous massage in upward motions on the thigh, buttocks, stomach and back areas will increase blood circulation and enhance the effect.

These are my two favourites at the moment:

Clarins Body Fit Anti Cellulite Contouring Expert €48

This is a really effective anti-cellulite treatment and is great for anybody with heavy legs. This is great to massage into your legs before a shift if you work on your feet. It comes with a leaflet that shows you how to massage your body to enhance its effectiveness. (Massaging in will help with the drainage.) Body Fit contains caffeine which has an instant draining, de-puffing effect and increases blood flow. Menthol also stimulates blood capillaries. The whole experience is quite invigorating. The strong menthol scent makes you feel like it is boosting circulation and really giving your body a burst of vitality. The consistency of the cream is light and watery so work quickly with it as you massage it into those softer areas!

Alpha H Firming Body Therapy €40

This one is a more luxurious experience to apply. The smell is a more indulgent one with Rasberry Oil encompassing you as you smooth it all over your body. The cream is a thicker consistency than the Clarins so you need to work it in a little more. This also has caffeine for its brightening and draining properties but it has a star ingredient in here too: glycolic acid. Glycolic acid will exfoliate your body at the same time as refining it. It promotes collagen production and cell turnover for brighter younger looking skin all over.

You can thank us later for this deprivation-free slimming aid in preparation for summer.