Botox: One Woman's Personal Experience

Botox: One Woman's Personal Experience
By  | Aug 7, 2015

Botox gets a lot of bad press - and I can understand why. Celebrities with frozen faces or perma-surprised expressions, the notion of willingly injecting a toxin into your face, the idea that aging is somehow a bad thing (which is very definitely is not)… I get all that. But it didn’t stop me going and doing it anyway.

This picture was the start of my concerns. Those dehydration lines I worried about on my forehead? I can kid myself no longer: they’re just lines. And as I’m in my 30s, well, it’s to be expected. So, I got in touch with a clinic that specialises in non-surgical cosmetic treatments like Botox and fillers.

Before I took the Botox plunge, Excellence Clinic's Medical Director, Shunil Roy, explained the pros and cons, and the things that could go wrong (a droopy eye sounded, frankly, terrifying) while thankfully being calm and reassuring because, tbh, I was starting to freak out just a little.

  • The Procedure

The procedure itself was surprisingly pain-free, and this from someone who’s squeamish about needles. The Botox needle is very short and fine, so it doesn’t hurt, and it was over very quickly. I got a little bit above each eyebrow and around my hairline – how much you need, and where, will differ from person to person. If you’ve done your research, you should be able to trust your doctor – and remember, less is more (although, just like when I got fillers, I asked for a subtle result, then felt irrationally disappointed when I didn’t look like a totally different person).


Before and After

  • The Aftermath

I had no bruising, swelling or other tell-tale signs other than one pin prick looking slightly purplish and visible. My eyes seemed to water a little more for a couple of days, but that soon stopped, and the only immediate and obvious change was that my brows seemed a little more lifted and arched... and, dare I say it, my cheekbones looked a smidgeon higher, too?

Before and After

  • The Results

It takes a week to see the full results. During this time you will become completely obsessed with checking your reflection to see if it has "kicked in". As you can see from these only-slightly-terrifying before and after photos of me raising my eyebrows, my forehead is definitely smoother now, and I have no resting frown lines. The skin doesn’t look shiny or abnormally smooth, and there are still a few little fine lines. Just like when I got fillers, nobody has noticed specifically, although people do tell me I look well. I think I look more rested and relaxed – like I just got back from a really great holiday.

One other point worth mentioning: procedures like this can be the start of a slippery slope for some people. Fixing a perceived imperfection in one area of your face may make you more critical of the rest of it. It’s worth asking yourself, are you ready to take the first step on a fairly expensive journey?

Me now, no makeup

So how long will it last? 3-6 months is the average; my injections were just over two months ago and my forehead is still wrinkle free. Would I do it again? I guess that depends on two things: my finances, and how much of a shock I will get at seeing my unrelaxed forehead.

Pricing varies from person to person; what I had done would normally be in the region of €350, as it involved two areas of the forehead.

Look: I know people will have very differing views on this, and that’s ok. I’m not recommending this to anyone or suggesting you all run out and try it. But if you are considering botox, then I hope this post has helped.

Emma was a guest at Excellence Medical, 12 Morehampton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4;