Brush it on with St Tropez

Brush it on with St Tropez
By  | Oct 24, 2007


St Tropez, that boon for milky white Irisher skins, has launched an Automatic Bronzing Shimmer Powder Brush! Hurrah! Move over Lancome Star Bronzer, you got yerself some cawmm-pet-tisshun.


The brush is one of those clicky fellas that dispenses powder into a built in brush, meaning it's a cinch to apply - and it's handbag friendly to boot. Perfect for face, shoulders and the disarmingly politely named decolletage, the only bad thing about this wonder-product is it's not going to be in the shops till December, and then exclusively in Brown Thomas Stores. So unless you're near one of them, you'll have to save your €22.95 until January when you can buy from Clerys, Hickeys, Unicare, Sam McCauleys, Shaws, McCabes and leading pharmacies nationwide.