Calmance to my Senses with RoC

Calmance to my Senses with RoC
By  | Jul 30, 2008

I told yiz all about my encounter with the dark side of facials recently, and how it'd left my skin so sore and sensitive that I'd been slapping on the Aveeno, because anything else had caused immediate heat, irritation and redness. I was doubly pissed off, because I've got some really nice The Youth As We Know It line products from Bliss to try at the moment. Eyecream, yum-smelling serum and an actives-packed anti-ageing moisturiser have all been sidelined while I get my cheeks back into order.

Then some new products from RoC's Calmance range arrived in the post. With the eagerness of the afflicted, I ripped open the Soothing Regenerating 5 Minute Mask packaging, and checked out the 6 nifty monodoses inside. And then I took my red face to the bathroom and whacked one on. Cooling as it's applied, the requisite handful of minutes netted me calmer, less irritated cheeks. Impressed? Oh you betcha.


So then I read the press release. It appears that this stuff works because of an ingredient it shares in common with Aveeno - Feverfew. This is a little powerhouse of a plant, and it works to soothe irritations and calm inflammation. So it's brilliant for use in skincare aimed at anyone who reacts badly to yer run-of-the-mill beauty products.

Other handy benefits? Price and availability - these babies are €13.95, and you'll pick the brand up in chemists nationwide.