Wonders: Do You Change Your Perfume In Winter? Wonders: Do You Change Your Perfume In Winter?
By  | Nov 11, 2009

Most of us are inclined to change our beauty routines in much the same way as we change our wardrobes when the temperatures start to drop. As soon as the long boots and the winter coats and the scarves and hats and gloves come out, we find ourselves reaching for richer body lotions and moisturisers to replenish skin suffering the effects of extreme cold and radiator heat. Some girls like to dial their foundation down a shade at this time of year.

And even if you don't think that you make any major adjustments to your routine, you might find that you're more drawn to darker shades of nail varnish than you might be during the "summer" months, preferring navy or black or wine or burgundy to nudes or brights.


I noticed the other day that my Benefit B Spot wasn't quite doing it for me (ho ho) anymore, and I think that's because it's a fruity floral and is summery out, and I like the idea of wearing something a bit warmer and more wood-y and sophisticated for Autumn/Winter.

Is this a sure sign that I'm losing my marbles or do you change your perfume as the seasons change?