Ella Bache Facial at the Cloisters Spa

Ella Bache Facial at the Cloisters Spa
By Beaut.ie  | May 22, 2007

I left my Cloisters journey on a facial related cliffhanger last week. I'd told you all about the gorgeous facilities at the Cloisters Spa in Muckross Park Hotel and I'd described the Lomi massage I was treated to. Next up was an Ella Bache facial, which I was really looking forward to.

Ella Bache is a Parisian skincare line that combines cosmaceutical research and active ingredients like AHA's and Hyaluronic Acid with botanicals and plant extracts - her Creme Tomate is a signature product which preempted the current fashion for AHA's by decades. So with all that in mind, I was excited indeed about my facial.

Skin was cleansed and then exfoliated with the most gorgeously scented rose petal scrub which was gentle and kind and kept my skin calm. The facial involved a lot of acupressure type movements, and so I felt it would be an excellent non invasive anti-aging treatment as there was a lot of attention paid to the area around the eyes - to drain excess fluid and reduce puffiness in that area, which is (no pun intended) a big bone of contention with so many people.


My head was also massaged, a masque applied and skin was then moisturised with another gorgeously scented cream, and I was good to go. This is a lovely facial that's soothing and kind and utterly relaxing too. The products are perfect for those of us who love a bit of science and proven results to go with calming botanical ingredients.

The good news for all of you who can't make it to the Cloisters yourself to avail of this treatment and snaffle yourself some lovely products is that the boundless HQhair stock Ella Bache products - Creme Tomate comes in at €57.75.