Foundation Is Not Just For Your Face (& Other Uses For Makeup)

Foundation Is Not Just For Your Face (& Other Uses For Makeup)
By Beaut  | Mar 18, 2015

I have started to put foundation on my ears. I don't know why I didn't before, it makes perfect sense to. Zoe Clarke mentioned it at our event with Vichy last month and it was a light-bulb moment for me! Why would you leave out your poor oul ears when you make such an effort to blend elsewhere?

It got me thinking about applying makeup - or other products - other places. It's a bit of a guilty secret but I spray Sally Hansen all over myself, not just my legs! This is guilty, guilty, guilty but I even put it on my face. Light Glow suits me so much better than fake tans and it matches my Catrice foundation - that's usually slightly too dark. 

I'm a big tights fan - thanks Kate Middleton for making them acceptable again, although I never stopped wearing my Natural Tans - but in the summer when I don't I colour my knees with concealer. For some reason, I think it's something to do with circulation, my knees are bright red (purple in winter!) They need that bit of toning down so on with the concealer. 


We've chatted a lot about using blush as eye shadow and mascara for liner and all of that, but is there any unusual place where you put makeup? Let's reveal our secrets and share some tips!