Fragrance 101: #2 - Apply Body Lotion AFTER Perfume!

Fragrance 101: #2 - Apply Body Lotion AFTER Perfume!
By  | Sep 13, 2010

A bit (a lot) late, here comes part two of Roja Dove's excellent fragrance advice. He gave us a really great way to identify our ideal fragrance recently and he imparted a few other gems too.

Like this one.

Roja reckons that it's a total no-no to apply your perfume on top of your companion body lotion. We're all familiar with the concept of fragrance layering, where you apply different forms of a scent on top of each other for maximum staying power. Received wisdom has always been that you spritz scent over lotion, but not according to this guru.


Why? "Well, you wouldn't apply toner over your moisturiser, would you," he says reasonably. Yes, this is very true, so I listened hard. "If you apply alcohol-based perfume over a lotion, the alcohol will damage the cream and the scent won't develop properly."

So, what's the solution? A quick about-face'll work: apply your scent first, allow to dry on the skin - so that the alcohol evaporates - and then apply your scented lotion or cream, sealing in the perfume and giving it greater staying power.