GM takes us on a scentuous experience!

GM takes us on a scentuous experience!
By  | Dec 8, 2006

Introducing one of our regular readers, GM, with his no holds barred expose on mens fragrance. He knows what he likes and he's not afraid to tell us when he doesn't. Aaah - the kind of refreshing honesty we love at! So sock it to us GM!

"Scent is very primal and can let you make snap decisions about another person can't it? Lets take a little look at how this can work in practice. Person A (lets call her Jacinta), approaches person B (lets call him Deco), and she gives him a quick look and a sniff. This is all Jacinta needs to make a snap decision about Deco. At this point Jacinta will either
(a) make the old "my shoe (or white stilletto from Pennys) is filling up with blood and I need to leave" excuse, or
(b) pounce on Deco and begin all manner of 'shifting'."

So thus having fixed scent clearly in the context of its sexual power GM continues: "Clearly in the modern world we live in it doesnt pay to use Old Spice (shudder) or indeed 'Sex Panther' (60% of the time it works every time!) as a veritable plethora of aftershaves and fragrances are available now to the male consumer.

Lets do a quick rundown of what is luvverly and what is minging.

GM loves:


Calvin Klein Eternity because it's classy, clean and zingy not at all heavy or musky. Simple unfussy yet kinda classy glass bottle. Happy by Clinique contains all manner of zesty fruity flavours. I have talked to a few mates though and apparently it does tend to fade on you pretty quick. Plus the simple orange glass bottle and silver lid looks a bit cheap IMHO. 212 for Men Carolina Herrera gets the thumbs up as it's nice, strong, powerful fragrance hough not too overpowering. Big industrial steel bottle is pretty cool and you can even see how much is in it because of the glass 212 on the side ooooh.
L'eau Dissey For men Issey Miyake is a big fave. It's similar to Acqua Di Gio only a little bit classier (and dearer). Stick to the original though not the recent L'eau Bleue D'issey as it is a bit on the strong and musk based side. Calvin Klein Euphoria for men is my personal favourite, a good combination of being fresh and zesty without being at all floral, also what a funky glass and steel bottle.

GM thinks these ones are minging:

Paul Smith Original because it smells like a delicious combination of grass and turps yum! I dont know any fellas who like this particular one. Old Spice - It isn't the 80's so don't. Kouros By YSL Ditto overpowering and 'unique' fragrance guaranteed to overpower the 'laydies'. If you do wear this one I recommend a gold medallion and a hairy greek chest to complete the look. Coolwater by Davidoff If you're aged 14 and going to your school disco perfect! Otherwise steer well clear. Ck Obsession Smells like wood and spices (think a curry). In a word potent.

Make sure you check out the knockdown prices for fragrance on BuyCosmetics and Strawberrynet, before you even think of hitting the Irish shops