By  | Feb 23, 2007

If you've been reading this blog for a while then it won't have escaped your notice that I am very definitely not a less is more person. No, it'd be fair to say I'm a have it all and then some more on top if you please sort of person.

So when I was in London a few weeks ago I did something very uncharacteristic - I went into the Shu Uemura shop in Covent Garden and only bought two items. Yes! But before you quail in shock - they were both gold. Phew! And one of them was a BLUSHER. Yup, a gold blusher. Now, it's not gold-leaf blingin' gold, it's more yellow with golden shimmery highlights, fear not. The picture does not do it justice.

I'm not actually using it specifically on my cheeks cos to be honest, as I don't want to look like Bridget Jones at the Law Society Dinner, or someone who hired Stevie Wonder to give her a make-over. But used with a big puffy powder brush and dusted over foundation it is only norjus, gals. It gives you a lovely subtle, warm golden sheen that's perfect for glam night time makeup.


If you're keen, the shade is P Gold and I while I know Blue Eriu are discontinuing their stock of Shu Uemura products, you just might get lucky! Mine cost me the equivalent of about €25 (eh, I think).