Grae's good shave guide

Grae's good shave guide
By  | Feb 28, 2008

Now that you have the perfect razor, you'll need a decent shaving cream to go with it.

It's best to shave after a hot shower or at the very least, having washed your face in hot water or a hot towel. It softens up the bristles, making shaving smoother and causes less irritation.

Stay away from shaving oil. It clogs your pores and causes spots. IT'S OIL! If you have sensitive skin, use something with no added perfume and with a moisturiser. Unless of course you fancy looking like a scaly mess.

Foam or Gel?
To be honest, not a whole lot of difference here. Gel doesn't dry out your skin as much. Again go with Gillette here for normal skin, or Simple for dry skin. As for humble soap... its not 1974 anymore - live a little! You don't need to spend a small fortune to get a good product.

You're almost done and just one more step is needed. You've used a cold metal blade (along with god only knows what chemicals) to remove some hair from your face. Your skin is now traumatised and in need of more moisture than the Sahara desert.


Top Tip: splash your face with lots of cold water! Closes your pores so they wont get clogged when you use aftershave balm or moisturiser.

Not to sound too repetitive but if you have sensitive skin, stay away from anything with too much perfume. A really good, fairly unknown product is Aqueous Cream. You can use it after you shave as a moisturiser or as a face wash. Best of all though, its only about €4 for a big tub of the stuff. Bargain! I'm going to plug Nivea for best after-shave balm. Cheap as chips and works well.

So there you go, nothing too flash, three easy steps to the perfect shave without spending a fortune.

Throw out the blunt disposable and get moisturising!