Hot Flush: Giorgio Armani Blushing Fabric in Coral

Hot Flush: Giorgio Armani Blushing Fabric in Coral
By  | May 31, 2010

We took a gander at Giorgio Armani's Blushing Fabric trio a while ago and decided we liked the look of the lot. I was sent shade One to try, a hot deep pink they're calling coral. When I took it out of the wrapping, I was a bit taken aback - for €35, which is a lot of wodge for a blusher, the tube is very wee. You get 20ml for your money, and I did think it was a bit on the mean side now, in fairness.

Naturally enough I was also proven wrong. You need the very smallest amount of this unless you really do want to look like Aunt Sally from Worzel Gummidge. An eeeny-meeny bit is all that's required for each cheek so actually you'd be all year getting through this stuff. And what's it like on? Violently-shaded when it comes out of the tube in a delicious siliconey blob, this blusher is very well pigmented with a subtle golden sheen when you smooth it out.

It blends out really nicely, looks very pretty on cheeks with the added advantage that the silicone will help to smooth out open pores if you have 'em.  I've been using it both over powder and before powder and find it works just as well. Lovely stuff altogether, and if you're keen, you'll find it on counter from June 5th. Swatches are after the cut.


From tiny out-of-focus blobs come beautiful creamy rosy cheeks. What do you think? Is €35 just too spendy for something like this?