How to style hair like Maria from Corrie

How to style hair like Maria from Corrie
By  | Nov 20, 2006

Natasha,'s expert hair consultant, has been busy answering all your hair questions. The first one I put to her was: how do I style my hair like Maria from Coronation Street?

Samia Smith (Maria) has gorgeous hair, with loose tumbling curls, mixed with straight pieces. Hilariously this pic (left) of her is captioned with "Tracy always gets what she wants". No way Maria! You're the one with the fab hair!
Getting this look is easy! Natasha said. Achieve it with with GHD curls.

Natasha has a five step plan for mastering this style.

Step 1 Wash and blow-dry your hair straight, giving it a bit of lift at the roots. Plug in your GHD straighteners


Step 2 Pin up your hair into sections to keep the top parts out of the way.

Step 3
Start from the back. Take a section of hair and clamp it about 2 inches from the roots with the straighteners. Do one full twist with the straighteners and then slide them straight down the length of the hair. A perfect curl will be formed.

Step 4
Continue working your way around the hair, leaving some pieces straight, depending on how curly you want to go. To be faithful to Maria's style, it looks great if you leave the front pieces straight.

Step 5
Spray your hair with hairspray to set the style. Natasha likes Bumble & bumble.

Natasha styled my hair like this for a Big Night Out last week and I totally loved it. The only thing was - I wouldn't have the patience to do it myself. If you'd like to get in done in the salon, ring up and tell them you'd like GHD curls (they need a bit of notice because it does take a while). It will cost around €50 in a Peter Mark salon.