Lush Gifts for Christmas

Lush Gifts for Christmas
By  | Dec 20, 2006

We're out of time now for online ordering, so in order to get those last minute lovely little beauty pressies for those all important stockings, you could do a lot worse than make a trip to Lush for lovely smellies. Unfairly I know, this post really only applies to those of you living or working in Dublin or Belfast (or if there are other Irish stores, let us know in a comment) and we know we've absolutely tons of non-Dub regulars so apologies lads and lassies. Look away now!


There are loads of gift boxes to choose from, for men and women, and all contain Lush's signature products - things like bath ballistics, shower gels, shaving creams, soaps, bubble bars and all manner of other delights. Yum!