Men: Caught Rapid

Men: Caught Rapid
By  | Apr 16, 2008

Irish men are secretive and don't like to reveal the details of their grooming routines, and they care more about looking good for their jobs than for their burd. Yikes! Such were the findings in a pan-European poll conducted by Gillette, who also found out some other fascinating factoids about the average Irish man. He shaves earlier than his Euro counterparts - starting at 15 or 16, and he is also quite literally obsessed with the hair that lines his nose.

And the reason for the secrecy? The Irish male doesn't want to appear vain, apparently. And sure we'll let him away with that, I think. After all, I don't really want himself to be privy to the sheer amount of exfoliating, scrubbing, depilatin' n' epilatin', tweezing and plucking that's necessary for me to be the completely natural beauty that I, of course, am.


Oh well, he'll know all about it now, should he chance across this afternoon!