Max Factor Flipsticks: easy lip ombre perfection

Max Factor Flipsticks: easy lip ombre perfection
By  | Jun 13, 2012

Last week, I had a changing day in my life - and Dr. Phil didn't even have to install cameras in my house.  Max Factor's new Flipsticks arrived and I decided to give one a chance for some shopping and lunch with my mam.

I've never fallen in love so quickly. The double-ended aspect, perfect for an ombre effect, is a deal clincher in itself but even individually, these guys are fantastic lipsticks - creamy, opaque and available in a gorgeous shade range.

So these already have a huge thumbs up in terms of quality, but their selling point is that you can mix and match shades, or apply together for various effects and it's only fair to judge them on that basis too. I stayed in cynical mode, recoiling in terror when I saw the golden side of the duo. I expected the result would be something like a cross between C3po and Kesha, but the reality was much more palatable - a subtle shimmery look that serves to make your lips look fuller.


The ombre effect is so easy to achieve with these - the narrow bullet eliminates the need for brushes and the colours compliment one another beautifully.

Mine lasted through tea and a sticky toffee muffin and, while they weren't notably hydrating, they didn't dry out my lips either. Though most of the shades I've seen are pretty bold, I'd feel safe wearing these in the office because of their longevity and comfy feel.

Even though I counted my lipstick collection and had to stop when I got to a ridiculous number, I'm still eying up the rest of the range.  €11.99 for two lipsticks?  That'll do me nicely.

How about you, fancy giving 'em a go?