Our Secret Combo For Forcing Makeup to Last All Day

Our Secret Combo For Forcing Makeup to Last All Day
By Miriam Burke  | Aug 13, 2015

One of a bride's biggest worries is that their makeup won't last the day. Hell, if I was due to get my face painted at seven in the morning when the ceremony was not on till 1 o'clock, I think that I would have cause for concern.

I have been to a flurry of weddings this summer and let me tell you, that worry extends to guests too. Unless you wear concrete on your face, there's a very good chance that it will slip off during the long, long, ever so long day.

Many brides will know that one of the secrets to staying power is good prep. As well as that, a good makeup artist helps. But what about for us normals who can't be getting made up by a pro for every occasion?

I don't mean to brag but for the long days of summer, I got my makeup to stay put from morning into the night. My routine was as follows: I primed my skin, leaving plenty of time for the various layers of SPF, moisturiser, serum and primer to soak in. I used a heavy duty foundation (actually, I used a mixture of two - Fuschia Perfect Skin foundation and Estée Lauder Double Wear - because I needed to formulate a colour to match my self tan), and lots of concealer for targeting different areas of the face; Catrice Camouflage for the under-eye bags and my nose and the pesky spots that just had to break out and Estée Lauder Double Wear concealer for highlighting.


A good dab of powder is essential for setting makeup (I love Catrice Waterproof Prime and Fine) and I used a bit of bronzer and highlighter in powder form (both in the Isadora Face Scultping palette) to brighten my complexion up a bit. Lastly, I spritzed some Urban Decay Up All Night setting spray.

But the key, my friends, is in the application. Makeup stays put for much longer when applied with a brush. I use a foundation brush by Blank Canvas that is double sided with a smaller end that I use to apply concealer (I use a lip brush to dip it on the spots). I then go over it with a stippling brush (mine is also by Blank Canvas) but then I press the foundation with my fingers. I go over the skin with pat, pat, pat movements - not all over, just in places where my makeup fades fastest, my forehead and around my nose and my cheeks. I have found that doing this helps makeup stay in place for much, much longer and it looks more even too.

So, the answer to making makeup last is quite simple really: use a foundation that is marked as long lasting, conceal carefully, apply with a brush and pat, pat, pat and set with powder and spray. So now it's time to share; do you have a secret combination to helping your makeup last all the live long day?