Rate it: best cleanser

Rate it: best cleanser
By Beaut.ie  | Oct 1, 2008

I know we're always nattering about cleanser here on Beaut.ie - but we've never had a Rate It on this hot topic before.

And this must be corrected IMMEDIATELY! Because if I was a gambling wan I would bet that you lot have been through more cleansers then the rest of the country has had hot dinners.

What do you think works. And what doesn't. Do you love creams or gels and what do you think of foaming cleansers?


Is Neutrogena as good as Normaderm - Clearasil comparable to Clarins - Lancome as lovely as Liz Earle - does Simple measure up to Shu Uemura?

And do you think super cheap is as good as luxury brands?