3 balancing cleansers that sensitive skin will love

3 balancing cleansers that sensitive skin will love
By Rebecca Todd  | Aug 15, 2018

If you have sensitive or reactive skin, adding a balancing cleanser to your skincare regimen could make all the difference to you.

If you have sensitive skin, you are probably wary of trying new products on your skin. You will be familiar with the burning sensation many products cause on your skin. You might flare up and find your cheeks get red and feel hot - and it can happen for lots of reasons. Sometimes going from central heating out into cold weather will suck the moisture out of your skin and cause a flare up. Just being exposed to harsh weather conditions can cause flushing and leave your skin feeling dry and irritated. A balancing cleanser is a great step towards soothing your sensitive skin.

Alpha H

Alpha H Balancing Cleanser €29

If your skin is feeling this way, it's important to take care of it well. There are lots of skincare products designed specifically for sensitive or sensitised skin types. You can find great serums, moisturisers and supplements to help combat sensitivity but I always think a cleanser is a great place to start. For me, cleansing is the most important part of any skincare routine. A cleansed skin is an oxygenated skin. At night, clean skin can regenerate itself. If you clean your skin properly, it can breathe and it will allow the rest of your skincare products to work more effectively.



Biofresh Probiotic Ultra Delicate Cleansing Milk €18

A balancing cleanser works to rebalance an impaired barrier. Your skin's barrier becomes impaired due to all the afore-mentioned issues. External factors can stop your skin's barrier from protecting it as it should. A balancing cleanser will have ingredients like aloe vera, cucumber, rose extract and, my favourite, Vitamin E to repair and reinforce your skins natural barrier.

La Roche Posay

La Roche Posay Makeup Remover Milk €12.95

Have you identified what causes your skin to flare up?