A thousand reasons why you should put vitamins ON your face

A thousand reasons why you should put vitamins ON your face
By Rebecca Todd  | Feb 9, 2018

This crazy, freezing weather along with lots of central heating can leave your skin really dry. We say trusty old vitamins to the rescue.

For years, we have taken vitamins to keep colds at bay, strengthen teeth, hair and bones and strengthen our immune systems.  But feeding our skin from the outside with vitamins is a newer practice. Vitamins are a really effective way to treat pretty much all of the skin issues we face throughout the year.

Even the strongest of skincare regimens can be boosted with vitamins. You use them in the same way you would use a serum. Apply your vit-hit underneath your usual skincare, morning and night.

There are lots you can use for different ailments. For chronic dry skin, Vitamin E is extremely nourishing and hydrating. If uneven skin tone and redness are an issue for you, Vitamin C will soothe your skin, calm redness and even out pigmentation. For dull skin that is looking tired, old Vitamin B is a powerful anti-ageing treatment. We are not forgetting Vitamin A, otherwise known as Retinol, which encourages the natural exfoliation process, stimulates collagen production and cell renewal.

These are just our four favourite vitamins to incorporate into our skincare. It's important to get these vitamins through diet as well as topically with serums and creams. You can continue with your regular skincare regimen and use a Vitamin serum generally as the first thing you apply after cleansing.

Vitamin B

If visible signs of ageing (dull complexion, lines and wrinkles) are your main concern.


Alpha H Vitamin B Serum €67

Vitamin E

If dry skin and protection from environmental factors is your main issue.

Alpha H Vitamin E serum €46

Vitamin C

For redness, uneven skin tone and dull complexion.

The ordinary Ascorbyl Glucoside Solution 12% €10.68

Vitamin A

For overall skin health and anti-ageing.

Alpha H Vitamin A& E 50/50 serum €65

Incorporating a vitamin-rich serum into your skincare routine will boost your other creams effectiveness. Have you jumped on the vitamin skincare bandwagon yet?