Slap me in cuffs and lock away my credit card

Slap me in cuffs and lock away my credit card
By  | Dec 14, 2006

I couldn't help it guv! Tarina Tarantino your jewellery is soooo gorgeous! So deliciously girlie, so barbietastic, so candylicous. God I could run out of made up superlatives here. Except, yesterday with a idle mouseclick, I saw, I bought, I HAD to! You know sometimes you actually have no choice? You must buy something or life will not be complete? And you will always regret that you don't own it if you don't just buy it. And buy it NOW! Other women have shoes. For me it's accessories.

The wanting is such a powerful feeling that it's in the Ten Commandments (well almost) Thou shall not covet... the wares of Tarina Tarintino. Especially when thou hast spent a bleedin fortune this Christmas already. And Christmas hasn't even started! Don't ask me how much I bought I think I went a bit mad... They were selling out fast though, I really had no choice. No choice at all.
