Sommersby: "Ah've nivver luvvved a prawduct the way that ah love this prawduct"

Sommersby: "Ah've nivver luvvved a prawduct the way that ah love this prawduct"
By  | Mar 4, 2009

I had a mad flash of inspiration for this post one morning in the bathroom when I was lovingly admiring my Bobbi Brown Stonewashed Nudes eye shadow palette. It's over a year old, the casing is scratched and cracked from so much use, the shadows themselves are worn through to the pan, but I can hand-on-my-heart say, in the immortal words of Jodie Foster in Sommersby, "Ah've nivver luvvved a prawduct the way that ah love this prawduct."

I've used it daily for over 12 months and it is probably my most indispensible makeup item: there're mattes and shimmers, darks and lights and it's taken me from day to night so many times I can't count them. You can use the shadows wet or dry, to add a wash of colour or use as liner. Add in good pigmentation, a decent included brush and a big mirror, and this is my number one makeup must-have.


So, ladies of, what's your can't-live-without, Richard Gere-style product?