Stars Align: When Jennifer Lawrence met Bill Murray...

Stars Align: When Jennifer Lawrence met Bill Murray...
By  | Jul 10, 2015

Everyone in this photo is doing exactly what they're supposed to and it's glorious.

There was a magical crossing of celeb oddball favourites at San Diego Comic-Con yesterday when Bill Murray and Jennifer Lawrence bumped into each other as the former was leaving Hall H after a surprise appearance to promote his film 'Rock the Kasbah' and the latter was heading in to sit down for 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2' panel. When stars of such 'don't give a monkeys' attitude align, only good things happen which is why this photo is so great.

J.Law was her most J.Law, and Murray was his most Murray. We really couldn't have asked for much else.

When she was asked about their encounter later, Lawrence had this to say about Murray:


"I, and the rest of the world, have been a huge fan of Bill Murray for a really long time. I spoke to him through Woody [Harrelson]. I would send emails, mostly when I was drunk, of things I’d always wanted to say to Bill Murray. So just the fact that Bill Murray knows that I exist is Part One. Part Two, he wanted to speak to me. And then he mentioned something about us working together. I dunno! But I’m excited about that."

Murray + Lawrence = Box office gold. Get to it, Hollywood.

Maybe rope Cher in, seeing as Lawrence is so damn good at impersonating her.