Mac A Fantasy Of Flowers Spring 14 Brings Back Stereo Rose, Perfect Topping. HURRAH!

Mac A Fantasy Of Flowers Spring 14 Brings Back Stereo Rose, Perfect Topping. HURRAH!
By  | Feb 6, 2014

Oh Christ on a bike I haven't been this excited since... well probably since NYX was spotted in Clerys or some other great cosmetic announcement was made.  No that's not true.   I haven't been this excited in EVER. 

Stereo Rose and Perfect Topping, both probably the most loved shades of Mac's superb Mineralize Skinfinish ranges were only ever available as limited editions - once.

I loved my Perfect Topping more than life itself.  I cherished it.  It made my makeup perfect and when I smashed it on the cold tiled floor of a public toilet I wept.  Yes I actually wept.  There was my precious powder all mixed in with wee and other unsavoury substances - there was no going back.  Limited Edition and no chance of return.

The man in the red shirt? Sure he hadn't a notion what all the excitement was about the poor fecker.

UNTIL.  Until rumours started to swirl in the vortex that connects us to the internets, life and the atoms that make up the universe.


"It's coming back" said the whisper on the wind, so ghostly, so faint, that I had to strain to make sure I was hearing it correctly. "It's coming back with the Mac Spring range".  But no one knew for sure.

 UNTIL.  Until I entered the room where the Mac Spring goodies were on display and I SAW.  I saw with my eyes and screamed with my voice (a whisper scream as we were in the lounge in the Shelbo) "It's really back".

Exhausted I lay slumped in my armchair, waving away all offers of nourishment.  I was content.

And I had one in my bag.

Part of the Fantasy of Flowers collection, these two Limited Ed beauties are back, but only for a limited time.  Perfect Topping is somehow the most fantastic partner for many Irish skintones and Mac were really surprised when I told them of the love for it here.  They'll go on sale in early March so if you want one you better snatch it up - because god knows when they will ever return.


BUT they're not the same.  Both skinfinishes are faded versions of their former selves and although they're still good they're just... different.

The rest of the collection is pretty sumptuous so let's cast our eyes over it and see if there's anything that will steal our hearts.

Look at these pigments and eyeshadow quads.  Nom nom nom.  Plus the Sassy Moss Fluidline.  You too will be mine (mad cackle time).

What do you reckon?  Anything here you must have?  And have you yet to try a Skinfinish?

If so by the powers of enablement granted to me by I urge you to let this situation continue no longer - go and get one!

Available from March, BT and BT2 stores