Stila Petals Infusions Scrub

Stila Petals Infusions Scrub
By  | Feb 3, 2007

Let me tell you a story about using the wrong products for your skin. My skin gets clogged up from time to time around the T-Zone areas - the nose, the chin. I thought I had combination skin and I was religiously cleansing and clay masqueing and generally obsessing about blocked pores. And you know me - trying loads of different products for combination skin.

All this changed when I went for the Elemis Tri Enzyme facial in the wonderful Sanas Sanctuary the other week. You don't have combination skin my therapist told me firmly. You have dry skin that gets congested. There's a big difference

I have been told for years, by all sorts of experts that I have combination skin. To her credit, the therapist in Sanas, who immediately knew differently, just said soothingly "Well maybe you used to. But you don't any more. You need to use products that nourish and have good antiageing properties. And you need to exfoliate."


With my whole world in turmoil (don't think I'm exaggerating here!) I returned home and began to do all the things recommended. Out went the too harsh cleansers. In came soothing glycolic face washes. Out went the light moisturisers. In came the factor 30 antiageing day creams and hydrating night creams. I'll tell you all about my experiences later. For now I just want to tell you about the fab Stila petals infusions exfoliater I've now added to my list of Can't Live Withouts.

This is a wonderful exfoliater that contains sweet orange oil, lemon oil and mint essence. It smells SO gorgeous! It's the finely milled marble that makes it superfine and gentle enough to use every day. Some exfoliaters can feel like they're scraping the face off you - not this one. Leaving a smooth matte finish as promised, my skin has never felt or looked better.

Thank you Sanas. And thank you Stila Petals .