Tutorial Catch-Up: Strobing - Get Your Glow On!

Tutorial Catch-Up: Strobing - Get Your Glow On!
By Beaut.ie  | Jul 20, 2015

Beauty trends sort of have to repeat themselves - there are only so many feasible options for wearable makeup before people start gluing feathers to their faces or going full-on circus makeup. So all this talk of 'strobing' has me with my head in my hands a bit. To keep things fresh, the beauty industry needs to repackage old ideas and serve them up to us as though they're new and exciting. The term 'strobing' is basically just highlighting. The only difference between classic highlighting and strobing is that you're using just highlighting products to define the face (no contour here!), and you're using more than you usually might. The aim is unsubtly glossy skin. In summer light, it looks pretty glorious, and the best part is that it's incredibly easy to do.

You just have  to decide which highlighter formulation you find easier - cream or powder. Everyone has a highlighter or two in their makeup bag. Even if you have a satin finish nude eyeshadow, you've got yourself a highlighter. There's no need to go buying products to try this technique.

Strobing is makeup minimalism - the look is all about the skin, so a heavy lip or smoky eye will just detract from the look. The good news is you can do this in five or ten minutes in the morning. Do keep in mind though that highlighting works best as a contrast - the darker your skin, the more the light will reflect off it and show the glow. So highlighter is always is always going to show least on pale skin (like mine), though it shows up more in reality than it does in photos.

Before applying my foundation, I've applied Mac Strobe Cream to the tops of my cheekbones, down my nose, on my cupid's bow and just under the arch of my brows.


I used my fingers to apply the strobe cream. To keep skin looking dewy, liquid highlighters are best - they're also just easy to bang on in a jiffy. Since strobing means extra oomph, I'm adding a second highlighter over the top - NYX Born To Glow Liquid Illuminator in 01Sunbeam, dabbing it over the top of the strobe cream. In the photo above, I haven't powdered the centre of my face yet. In the one below, I have powdered, but left the highlighter to do its thing.

Use whichever highlighters you have lying about, but if you're in the market for a new one, there are four lovely options here. Also, excuse the laundry in the photograph! If you find powder less fiddly, go ahead and use it!

When you're very pale and try a bit of strobing for daytime, what you'll end up with is wonderfully radiant, glowy skin without looking shiny. It's really quick and easy to do - give it a go and share your thoughts in the comments!