Top 4@4 From the Beaut Vault: Dry Skin Delights

Top 4@4 From the Beaut Vault: Dry Skin Delights
By Miriam Burke  | Oct 29, 2015

Shiver me timbers, it's winter out there! Although, it doesn't feel all that wintery during the day (I saw many the pedestrian carrying their scarves today and a few tourists not knowing what to make of the...what's that? Sunshine?) But the temps sure do drop at nighttime. While some people's natural skin type is dry, it's this time of year when even the oiliest of us start to get a bit, er flakey.

So, I've wandered into the treasure trove of beauty and skincare wisdom and found four fab articles dedicated especially to dry skin. And as I said, at this time of year we all need a bit of moisture. (Please do not blame me if the rain Gods take that up the wrong way...)

Let's start this edition of the top 4@4 with a bang - we called these five bad boys skin saviours. And that's no word of a lie!

This one was for all the new mothers who may have found themselves with a sudden case of the drys. As well as giving tips on what to use, we gave a few pointers on how to cope with it.


There's nothing we value more than a good blast of an aul radiator when the weather outside is frightful. But while it's great at warming our cockles, it's a divil for sucking all the moisture out of your skin. We thought that these guys from Inglot were just the thing to keep our make up looking made up.

Finally, we thought these three overnight masks were the ultimate in perking up dry, scaly, flaky skin as you dream of chocolate fountains and Micheal Fassbender. 

What's your dry skin winter routine? Do any of these products feature? Or can you recommend another gem that needs to be shared?