What exactly does vitamin B does for your skin?

What exactly does vitamin B does for your skin?
By Rebecca Todd  | Jan 21, 2019

With constant revelations in skincare, it can be hard to keep up. Vitamins will always be a good choice, and vitamin B is one of our favourites.

We absolutely love vitamins in our skincare. Our bodies crave vitamins, so they're always going to be a great fuel to put inside. We always associate vitamin C with staying healthy and fending off colds. The other vitamins are naturally occurring in most vegetables and fruit. Basically, we have been brought up to believe that spinach will give you muscles like Popeye and carrots will help you to see in the dark. It's true, though; vitamins can do amazing anti-ageing things for your body and your skin.

Also, it's important to note that as with all things in skincare it's necessary to take them inside as well as putting them on top of your skin. For instance, there's no point moisturising if you don't drink water and take omegas too. What you put inside will show on the outside. One step without the other will never have the desired result. The vitamin we love right now is Vitamin B. They're all important, and they all have their place in your skincare routine, but Vitamin B is special.


Vitamin B is a great addition to any anti ageing routine. It can be used on all skin types so everyone can benefit from it. Vitamin B works well under any moisturiser to boost its hydrating properties. Vitamin B, also known as niacinamide, moisturises your skin but it also firms the skin and helps to restore its elasticity. At the outermost layers of the skin, Vitamin B strengthens its barrier function. It has collagen boosting properties which keep Mother Nature's ageing effects at bay. Collagen is like the elixir of youth. It's something that starts to deplete in our skin in our twenties and unfortunately the rate at which it depletes increases as we get older.

Lastly, it helps to brighten the skin and even out skin tone. It prevents the formation of age spots or sun damage marks as you might know them. It inhibits the transfer of melanin which prevents age spots from forming. Have you incorporated vitamins into your skincare routine yet?