Celebs + Time Wasting = Happy Me

Celebs + Time Wasting = Happy Me
By Beaut.ie  | Nov 28, 2006

If you're the same, get thy self over to http://www.fafarazzi.com/ with the quickness. Fafarazzi.com is a Fantasy Celebrity League. It's like fantasy sports but instead of points being scored for goals and hattricks (I have completely substituted the words homeruns and touchdowns for ones us poor Irish can identify with) they're scored for divorces, catfights and nose jobs!

OHMIGOD BITCHES, it's like it was made for us.

So what do you do?

  1. Join a League or Create your own
    You can play in a private league with just the people you know - or join a public league to compete against anyone. You know what this means, don't you? WE CAN HAVE A BEAUT.IE LEAGUE! I'm practically fainting here.
  2. Get celebrities for your team
    Grab the celebs you want for your draft pool. The season starts with a draft that will automatically pick your team based on your preference order. And then? Then you start playing. OooooooOOooh!
  3. Scoring Points
    It's pretty simple - you get points when celebs on your team are in the gossip blogs. So obviously chosing Lindsay Lohan is a must. New nose? 4 points! Divorce? 8 points! During the season you can add and drop players so you can keep your team fresh with the hottest stars of the moment - i.e. the ones that are behaving the most badly. Yay!
  4. And the winner is...
    At the end of the season the team in your league with the most points wins. Hurrah!

If you're game, leave a comment and we'll see if there's enough interest to start a beaut.ie league. G'wan, you know you want to.