Fashion Trend report: Irish girls rejoice - layers are where it's at!

Fashion Trend report: Irish girls rejoice - layers are where it's at!
By  | Sep 24, 2012

Usually we Irish gals find it hard to truly stay on trend; our weather just won’t allow it. For us, getting dressed takes so much more consideration than simply what looks good. Read our discussion of this very topic here.

It needs to work if there’s a sudden downpour on the walk to work, a 30-degree lunch-hour or two inches of snow by home-time.

Well the fashion gods have heard your prayers and blessed us with a rare Irish-appropriate trend. Yes folks, layering is back, bolder than ever and one of those few looks that will cater to our every climate change.

Let’s just get one thing straight off the bat though; less is definitely not more here. Pile on as many different fabrics, textures and prints as you can and still be able to sit down comfortably.

The star of the layering show this season was trousers under dresses and skirts. Yes it's probably something that will earn confused looks from your mother and boyfriend, but go for it - it looks great.


Marc Jacobs showed super-skinny leggings under skirts with his giant coats and those hats (See more loads more pics of the SS13 Marc Jacobs collection here) while at Prada we saw streamlined and wearable layers, with longer skirts and no crazy headwear.

The trick here is to add clothes without seeming to add pounds. I’d say stick to one area to bulk and one to keep simple. If you’re going to do the whole thirteen tops/jumpers/coats/scarfs then maybe just opt for, you know, one pair of trousers to avoid the whole Michelin  Man look.

Similarly, if the trousers/skirt combo tickles your fancy then make them high-waisted and flash a little midriff or show off your toned arms.

This trend is definitely not meant to make you look huge; the goal is to look cool and effortless. So, as is so often the way with fashion, the less you think about it often the better it turns out.

Mix it up and have fun!  Are you already getting on board with the layering trend?

Katie Clinton