Go Fug Yourself, Irish Style

Go Fug Yourself, Irish Style
By Beaut.ie  | Mar 19, 2007

Fans of LA based cult fashion n' bitchin' blog, gofugyourself, rub your hands in glee, cos now you have an Irish version. It's called Style Bitches, and is run by 2 lasses who go by the mysterious names of B and L.

One of the interesting things about this site is that it's a Bebo one - I'm a bit confusticated by Bebo to be honest, but I think I'm just too old, and also I don't really get TXT SPK LOL. But the way the site works is these sharp-eyed lasses upload photos of 'slebs in varying states of hideous attire, and then you can comment on the bleedin' state o' them.

One drawback - you need to have a Bebo account to be able to comment, but the rest of us mere mortals can look and giggle at what's being said. Photos are arranged into albums, so you can choose to browse Celeb Rate and Slate, Who Wore it Better, and Been Airbrushed Lately?, where the gals themselves Photoshop more appropriate clothing onto unfortunately attired celebrities. The dream! What a shame there is no tool in Photoshop for fashion sense, otherwise they could give Lindsay Lohan some at the mere click of a mouse.


I've given up being bitchy for Lent (excepting the above L Lo comment), so you won't find me commenting - but if you're not so worried about the response you'll get in the hereafter, get over and get slaggin'.