SuperMoon = SuperBitch. Like a lighting hoor I was all weekend

SuperMoon = SuperBitch. Like a lighting hoor I was all weekend
By  | Mar 21, 2011

I have been a cranky bitch for the last two days.  As though I had the worst, most evil PMT ever.

Everything was getting on my nerves.  EVERYTHING.  I was bursting into tears at the slightest provocation and screeching if anythings so much as slightly annoyed me.

I couldn't sleep.  Even more cranky after a restless night of tossing and turning I couldn't do anything without about five cups of coffee and a truckload of sugar.


So when I heard that there was a particularly strong moon at the weekend - a Supermoon - all made sense.  Sometimes a full moon is brighter and exerts a stronger pull on the Earth than usual - and this was the biggest and brightest moon in 18 years.  Every time the moon is particularly strong I am an absolute Lighting Hoor.

And I know I'm not alone.  Were you affected?