The Ladies Loos

The Ladies Loos
By  | Nov 22, 2006

I got an e-mail the other day from a lady called Natasha Morabito. I thought 'that name looks familiar', and indeed it was, for I have met the lovely Natasha twice and we have a very good mutual friend in common. Natasha lives and works in London and she was contacting me to tell me about a completely deadly new book she's just had published. It's called The Ladies' Loos: From Plumbing to Plucking, a Practical Guide for Girls and it's a collection of wisdom, tips and female solidarity in book form.

It grew out of a private messageboard called, not surprisingly, The Ladies Loos, where women congregated to share advice, hints and give general mutual support. The contributions were so good that they've now been immortalised in print. And very good they are too - there's a chapter on Beauty which of course I turned to immediately. It's perfect for us beaut.ieous ladies - mixed in with DIY recipes are luxe beauty recommendations as well as the contributors own advice and tips on everything to waxing your upper lip to high end foundations.

And that's not all for the damsel in distress, as the household section deals with common dilemmas such as buying pet insurance, how to clean shower curtains, dealing with smelly cats, to iron or not to iron? (I'm of the school of 'no bloody way', personally) and how often does bed linen need changing? There's also advice on sex, gardening (not necessarily in that order!), kids, snoring and loads and loads more.


It's a beauty bible and a domestic encyclopedia rolled into one - and all that for the bargain price of £5.99 STG? Sold, to the girl who is very puzzled as to exactly how one does go about getting a shower curtain clean!