Ugly on the inside? Bebo beauty queen

Ugly on the inside? Bebo beauty queen
By  | Apr 2, 2008

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Last night we watched with astonishment as Diary of a Beauty Queen (TV3 9pm) paraded a variety of beauty queens in front of the nation. Not the plus size model or the alternative competition entrants - who were all gorgeous.

No, it was the girl who was entering the Bebo Babes competition who really made the impression on us.

We could hardly contain our laughter at Deirdre's love for herself. Such gems issued from her mouth as "All girls are bitchy. It's in our nature. Natural selection". If she could run another girl into the ground in her quest for male attention she would happily do it. Anyone who didn't like her must of course be jealous.


Questioning the "trampy" Bebo pictures of rivals to the crown, our gal posed in a classy combo of black knickers and leather jacket for the photo shoot.

Ah well. What goes around comes around eh?

Did you see it? What did you think?