Weight loss the Adios slimming pill way: does it burn or does it bomb?

Weight loss the Adios slimming pill way: does it burn or does it bomb?
By Beaut.ie  | May 27, 2009

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Pink knickers, plenty of bum wiggling, and mucho jumping around to Disco Inferno. A shocked granny and an admiring fella. Oh and effortless weightloss. Looks deadly no?

My BS detector on red alert I went to find out some more "facts". "Adios tablets are natural herbal medicines which help speed up weight loss by acting on your body’s metabolism (helping speed up the rate at which your body converts fat in your body into energy.) When taken as part of a calorie-controlled diet with exercise, this can lead to weight loss."

Yep the calorie controlled diet would do that all by itself. Tell us more.

"No significant adverse effects should occur when taking Adios at the correct dosage. However, diarrhea may occur."


Spending all your time on the jacks with a speeded up metabolism doesn't sound like much fun to me and anything that brands itself as a "medicine" when it's obviously no should be banned. I really hate this herbal slimming pill codology (Plavsa anyone?) and I think it's a big big waste of money.

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If you're hell bent on trying Adios it costs €13.95 from the chemist.