You what? Jump From Paper create incredible cartoon bags for the real world

You what? Jump From Paper create incredible cartoon bags for the real world
By  | Mar 25, 2013

Ever get jealous of Marge’s threads while watching The Simpsons? Wish you could rock Betty Boop's wiggle dress?  I don’t know about you guys, but Olive Oyl is a personal style icon of mine.

Well - thanks to Taiwanese brand Jump From Paper, some of that bold animated style is available to all of us poor three dimensional beings.

Bet you had to look twice, didn’t you? Believe it or not, these bags are 100% real, just cleverly designed to look as if they've been sketched by a cartoonist.

Incredibly cute, quirky and individual,  these 2D bags actually don't look real - but they are.  “How amazing it would be if a two-dimensional hand-drawn illustration could come to life as a real bag!” thought the two Taiwanese girls who designed them - and they set about doing exactly that.


At $99 a pop, they aren’t exactly wallet-friendly, and they don't look roomy enough to accommodate those of us who are partial to carrying around the kitchen sink in our handbags (but they are the perfect size for an iPad).

However, if you travel light and like your accessories to serve as conversation starters (and enjoy getting confused stares from passers-by) these bags will be right up your street.  Visit their US website to find out more - they do ship internationally.

Personally, I love them - especially Cheese, a super cute orange satchel.

Would you sport a cartoon-inspired bag? Are you a fan of statement pieces like these?