Eddie Hobbs Comes Over all Weak at the Proice of Body Lotions. Again.

soap and glory

Jesus chroist, what was this oi read the other day? That Kirstie wan is spending FORTY EUROSS on a body oil? ESPA, no less. Well, they'd laugh me out of it down at the Credit Union if they thought I was spending that sort of cash to smooth my legs - not that they aren't baby soft already, of course. No, they'd be saying the word ESPA to me alright, except they might be leaving out a letter...

But now, ladies. To be honest, I liked the sound of this dry oil stuff. I thought it sounded great, but sure, you'd have to take a 2nd job in the evenings to afford it. Not even that woman who drank 8 cans of Coke and day and spent her evenings at the Bingo would be so self-indulgent. So, I looked for an alternative.


And what did oi find but Soap & Glory Easy Glistening Dry Oil Body Gloss? Yup, a mere fraction of the proice at about 8 quid, this does exactly the same job. "Perfect for party-prepping or as an everyday body softening oil", apparently. Well now, that sure beats €40, eh?

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