There's always one who takes it too far. Often in life, I find that person is me. But today, my friends, I am not the human bullseye sweet who has tipped the scale beyond the acceptable level.
Now, let me be clear. I love a good, subtle contour. Cheekbones-that-you-could-slice-ham-on in a jiffy? Yes, please. I'll take two of them.
But there are rules and regulations damn it. You can check out three of our top tips here.
Or maybe you have a few hours to spare and a friend who is a fiend for blending and you want to take it to the extreme. Well, look no further for full body contouring has been demonstrated on the account of Instagrammer-extraordinaire, Lilly Ghalichi.
And I reckon she looks amazing - well, both before and after really but you can see the results of the work of contouring minion.
Come back to me when I'm packing for my summer holidays and am in need of a cosmetic six pack....