3 best shoes for petite women who don’t want to wear heels

Those 21 degrees we spy on our phone’s weather app have confirmed it: it’s finally time to get our pins out. Summer has arrived.

Warm weather, however, comes with its own set of sartorial issues, especially if you’re short, like me. Or if you don’t like self-tanning, like me; or your feet, like me. But they’re problems to tackle on another day.

Everyone knows a bit of added height, courtesy of a heel or wedge can do wonders for the leg, but who wants to tottle about in heels every day of summer? Not I. I do not want to be that person struggling to keep up with my long-legged friends in their fancy sandals, happy and laughing like women in a Gillette Venus ad.


The answer, friends, is the pointed flat. The point will elongate your leg and the flat, well; you know how much easier flats are. Full stop.

  • New Look Wide Fit Camel Suedette Colour Block Ankle Strap Pumps €24.99



This little beaut covers so many bases; the colour palette makes it compatible with every one of your summer ensembles. It will brighten up the all-black outfit you will inevitably end up wearing at least one stage of summer. Wear these with jeans rolled up to just passed the ankle.

  • River Island light pink cut out shoes €37.00


These little gems echo the trendiest shoe of the summer: the pointed ballet flat, complete with lace ups (think Miu Miu’s soon to be iconic flats with gingham laces), that also serve as a leg lengthener, by giving a short of stretch illusion.

  • Topshop Rose Flat Point Shoe €40



Now. These were just made for summer events. Petite girls can wear mini dresses to weddings without looking scandalous, and these lads would be the perfect addition.

Are you a short woman who can’t live without heels? Would you give pointed flats a go?

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