The bathroom has no door: brings whole new meaning to term 'dirty weekend'

I didn't bargain on getting to know one another this well on our mini break...

When Tina tweeted last week about her city break hotel room there was only one little tiny problem.

The bathroom had no door.

The toilet was in full unblocked view of the rest of the room - leading to a clear and present danger of unwanted and shocking sights (and smells) reaching the other occupant of said room. There was no way of blocking the door or even hanging a towel over it - all of this was discussed on Twitter.


In the end we decided that she would have been better off just bringing a litter tray and going in the wardrobe.

I've been in hotels before where the bathroom has been like this - but I've quickly asked to change rooms. I would HATE to stay in a room like this.

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