5 beauty products you should remove from your life immediately

5 beauty products you should remove from your life immediately
By Aisling Powell  | Aug 14, 2017

Remove these five beauty faux pas from your life and your face will thank you for it

Let's face it, us beauty lovers have way too many products that we don't need and that we have had in our kit for more years than we care to admit. We also are creatures of habit which keeps us stuck in our makeup routines that, with age, may not be doing us or our features justice.

So to keep ourselves up to date, let's go over a few house rules and look at my top five beauty products that you should stop wearing.

  • When did you buy that mascara?

Your mascara has a timeline. If you own one for so long you can't quite remember when or where you bought it, it is time to throw it out.

  • Lip gloss with added bacteria

The same thing goes for old lip gloss. Anything that is wet and confined in an enclosed space will grow bacteria. And that's not who you want on your lips.

  • A full coverage foundation

Unless there is a very particular issue that you are trying to cover, it's time to change up the full coverage foundation to one less "cakey". These days, many of us are focusing on getting our skin into the best condition possible by using treatments and products, and should certainly use foundation with less coverage. Your freckles are lovely, it's time to embrace them and show them to the world.

  • Black eyeliner on the water line

Ok, as a makeup artist I agree there IS a time and a place for black liner on the water line. But in this case, I'm talking about the kind that people wear on a daily basis with no other makeup bar mascara. Think Nikki from Orange is the New Black. Not a good look, people. Put it away.

  • Tanning your face

Although it may not be a product, it makes my top five cut because this, friends, is importance. It's 2017. If you still are sunbathing with your face in the sun, you should know better. UVA and UVB rays not only cause cancer but also hyper pigmentation, premature ageing, age spots and the rest. Stock up on your facial SPF during the winter because it's cheaper, and for God's sake, use it.

Do you agree with my list? Are there any others that you'd like to add?