Your 8 week beauty countdown to Christmas: Week 1

Your 8 week beauty countdown to Christmas: Week 1
By Rebecca Todd  | Nov 1, 2018

It's officially eight weeks to Christmas and that means about six weeks until party season starts. We may as well start preparing now to look our very best in our party dresses.

I got my usual reminder from Slimming World that Christmas is but eight weeks away this week. They basically give you the opportunity to come back and get your ass in gear and get healthy in the face of the debauchery that is probably going to happen in two months time. It's usually around this time of year we start picking out our party dresses for December. For some reason, it is perfectly acceptable to wear glitter and sequins in December - oh, and to wear your shortest skirt. Let's face it; it's the most glamorous time of year and we want to look our best. For all these reasons, you need to start your Christmas party season beauty regimen around now! Eight weeks is not all that long in terms of skin and health. It takes a few weeks to make a difference from starting a new regimen.

This segment is going to be broken down into skin, hair, body nails and health. So this week, in an attempt to refine my curves, my diet - sorry way of life - is going to be pulled into line. I will aim to drink eight glasses of water each day, start running three times a week, count my 'syns' and eat tonnes of green veg and turkey burgers. So that's the diet plan. If it helps you, go find your nearest Slimming World group and they will weigh you each week and give you the moral support you need to maintain this painfully healthy lifestyle.

Today I'm going to give you two of my favourite products to start using. I have chosen these two in particular because they take time to work. Hair and nails can wait, to be honest, they will be the last thing on my list. Unless you want to drastically change your hair colour, it can wait until December. This week I'm going to start using what I call my 'cheat product'. It's going to help refine my curves and comes in the form of a body cream. The Alpha H Firming Body Therapy helps to drain excess fluid and toxins from your body. It helps to get rid of cellulite and firms up your skin. It helps if you really massage the product into your problem areas ie thighs, tummy and buttocks to really stimulate the blood circulation.

Alpha H Firming Body Therapy €41.50

As for the chevy chase, we need to start using a gentle mask to get rid of imperfections and a great anti-ageing cream. I love the Decleor White Petal Mask to fight imperfections. (You can get the range from Claudine King Brows and Beauty in Dublin, and other selected salons around the country). Then start using a great anti-ageing cream day and night. My favourite is the Human and Kind 2-in-1 Anti-Ageing Cream.

Hydra Floral White Petal Skin Perfecting Hydrating Sleeping Mask

Human and Kind 2 in 1 Anti-Ageing Cream €29.95