Amazing tweezers discovered in chemist! Infinity Precision

Amazing tweezers discovered in chemist! Infinity Precision
By  | Feb 2, 2009

Having lost my second Tweezerman in a month and with a night out looming in about three hours I was desperate.

I must contact the Guinness Book of Records and ask them what is the record for the fastest growing eyebrows - because I think I would beat it.

With slugs above my eyes I rooted in the measly selection in the chemist.

"Is this the only tweezers you have?" I asked the girl behind the counter, while displaying a chunky object that would have difficulty grasping a plank of wood, never mind those teeny hairs that make everything so untidy looking.


"Oh no!" she said "Those ones are crap. We have brilliant ones down there"

Leading me to a stand at the very back of the shop I ooohed and aaahed over the selection of tweezers, eventually choosing a slant tipped pink pair by Infinity. I was still doubtful that they would work well, but sure I thought they would be better than nothing.

Well I'm surprised and delighted to announce that they do work very well indeed. And priced at €7.95 you can't really go wrong.

Go forth and tweeze.